Alle ragazze d’Italia! / 2021
Casa dell’arte (Verde Cadmio e Magenta) / 2003
Classic Color Names (Greens) / 2007-2013
Coast to Coast / 2006-2011
Commonplace (Unité d’habitation) / 2011
Conservatory (San Sebastian) / 2004
Da cima a fondo / 2008-2011
Drops (Between Red and Violet) / 2005
Il problema della condivisione … / 2011
Il problema della condivisione … (Sinfonia) / 2010
Inversi / 2000-2005
Luoghi / 1995
M U S E O / 2018
Observatorium / 2004
Observatorium + Blu.Tally / 2011
Observatorium (Gegen den Strom) / 2006
Observatorium (Museum) / 2008
Observatorium (Unité d’habitation) / 2011
Rilievi / 1992-2000
Terre emerse / 1998
Territori di confine (Bibliografia) / 2003
The Plants Breath That Produces Sky (Blues), 2021/22
The Weather was mild on the day of my departure / 2018
The whole world in a detail / 2017-18
The Whole World in a Detail (Fabric) / 2020
Under the Bridge / 2007-2013
Unité d’habitation / 2010-2016
Unitè d’habitàtion (Platform) / 2017
Untitled (Postcards) / 2013
Untitled | Postcards (Film) / 2013
U.s.a.i.s.o. / 1996-2013
Vis á vis (Datura) / 2010
Marco Bazzini, 2019
Daniela Bigi, 2011
Diletta Borromeo, 1999
Lorenzo Bruni
What is Base?, 2019
The End of the New / La fine del Nuovo, 2016
Paesaggi | Landscapes, 2013
Physical Point of View, 2010
Saretto Cincinelli
Transparency and opacity, 2008
Observatorium, 2004
Vorläufige Monochrome, 2001
Giacinto Di Pietrantonio, 2019
Helmut Friedel, 2006
Pietro Gaglianò, 2005
Matteo Innocenti, 2016
Giovanni Iovane
Thou Shalt Not Be Found Out, 2006
Conservatory (San Sebastiano), 2005
Leggerezza, 2001
The Home of the Image, 1999
Salvatore Lacagnina, 2008
Helga Marsala
Critical, Public, Political. The (Contemporary) Space Of The Museum, 2019
Le stanza d’Aragona. Pratiche pittoriche all’alba del nuovo millennio, 2016
Stefano Pezzato, 2008
Sergio Risaliti
M U S E O, 2019
The Dual Discipline of the Observer, 2006
Stefania Rispoli, 2019
Marco Senaldi, 2019
Downloads | Links
Paolo Parisi
Alle ragazze d’Italia! / 2021
Casa dell’arte (Verde Cadmio e Magenta) / 2003
Classic Color Names (Greens) / 2007-2013
Coast to Coast / 2006-2011
Commonplace (Unité d’habitation) / 2011
Conservatory (San Sebastian) / 2004
Da cima a fondo / 2008-2011
Drops (Between Red and Violet) / 2005
Il problema della condivisione … / 2011
Il problema della condivisione … (Sinfonia) / 2010
Inversi / 2000-2005
Luoghi / 1995
M U S E O / 2018
Observatorium / 2004
Observatorium + Blu.Tally / 2011
Observatorium (Gegen den Strom) / 2006
Observatorium (Museum) / 2008
Observatorium (Unité d’habitation) / 2011
Rilievi / 1992-2000
Terre emerse / 1998
Territori di confine (Bibliografia) / 2003
The Plants Breath That Produces Sky (Blues), 2021/22
The Weather was mild on the day of my departure / 2018
The whole world in a detail / 2017-18
The Whole World in a Detail (Fabric) / 2020
Under the Bridge / 2007-2013
Unité d’habitation / 2010-2016
Unitè d’habitàtion (Platform) / 2017
Untitled (Postcards) / 2013
Untitled | Postcards (Film) / 2013
U.s.a.i.s.o. / 1996-2013
Vis á vis (Datura) / 2010
Marco Bazzini, 2019
Daniela Bigi, 2011
Diletta Borromeo, 1999
Lorenzo Bruni
What is Base?, 2019
The End of the New / La fine del Nuovo, 2016
Paesaggi | Landscapes, 2013
Physical Point of View, 2010
Saretto Cincinelli
Transparency and opacity, 2008
Observatorium, 2004
Vorläufige Monochrome, 2001
Giacinto Di Pietrantonio, 2019
Helmut Friedel, 2006
Pietro Gaglianò, 2005
Matteo Innocenti, 2016
Giovanni Iovane
Thou Shalt Not Be Found Out, 2006
Conservatory (San Sebastiano), 2005
Leggerezza, 2001
The Home of the Image, 1999
Salvatore Lacagnina, 2008
Helga Marsala
Critical, Public, Political. The (Contemporary) Space Of The Museum, 2019
Le stanza d’Aragona. Pratiche pittoriche all’alba del nuovo millennio, 2016
Stefano Pezzato, 2008
Sergio Risaliti
M U S E O, 2019
The Dual Discipline of the Observer, 2006
Stefania Rispoli, 2019
Marco Senaldi, 2019
Downloads | Links
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PP 2024. Ph. Regan Wheat